what is interesting is that my bubble tip is touching my alveopora as it moved right beside it and it is the nem that seem to retract when the alveopora is touching it. It does not seem to affect the alveopora when the bubble tip is touching it.
For now it moved in a spot where it can touch my alveopora and montipora cap.
Also my maxi mini is constantly touching my montipora cap during the day but that does not seem to affect it one bit. Are bubble tips really dangerous for corals?
Originally Posted by fishytime
Of course I'm just kidding around here but..... Nems is evil!.... Best place for it is in the fresh water tank in your bathroom  .....nems seem to place their need for security above every thing else(light and the ability to catch food)....they really love to find a small hole or crevasse to wedge their foot into and expand around that...if you can find a spot that meets all its requirements, you can up the chances of it staying where you want it...... If the nem is new I wouldn't try removing it from the rock until after its settled in....provided it stays where it is for that long.....