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Old 02-23-2012, 11:42 PM
Money pit Money pit is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Calgary
Posts: 118
Money pit is on a distinguished road

Ideally the nem should have stayed in the same tank where it split until it had time to heal. For now, until it forms a new mouth, it can't eat but it can absorb NO3 from the water, and use light as nourishment. Unfortunately it sounds like light is a no go too. As it is, it may take a while to heal with 2 of its 3 sources of nourishment impaired. For now if it was mine, I would leave it a couple more days, maybe a week total since you first put it in the tank. Between splitting and moving, its had a pretty adventurous time. So keep an eye on it for the week, to give it time to relax, maybe it will come out on its own. If it wont come out, use the powerhead trick to get it to move. The added light will help a lot in recovery, especially if you have low NO3.
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