Thanks for all the comments!
The LEDs are actually growing on me more each day. It took a while but I've pretty much worked out all my issues with them. Intensity was my first issue which bleached out a few corals and wiped out most of my original SPS corals. The level now seems to be about right at a fraction of where I started. Washed out color was my other concern which I found to be related to the white LEDs which seem to just kill color if run too high. Fixed this by adding green LEDs to my mix which allows me to create white RGB style and cut back on the cool whites, color is way better. I also added some UV LEDs which I'm not yet convinced did much but I use them as moonlights which is pretty cool. The last major issue I had was controlling the PWM drivers which (thanks to Gareth at Progressive Reef) I finally got working with the profilux PWM module. My only other problem is fan noise which I'm somewhat stuck with, I do regret my heat sink design as requires a pressurizing fan which I originally thought would be fine as they are suppose to be ultra quite. However after a short amount of time the two fans are pretty noisy but on the bright side the heat sink runs at a cool 85-90 degrees and the fans turn off when the temperature drops below that.
Anyways since my title is locked in with the expectation of new pics and I don't really feel like bitching about the editing BS I'm going to attempt to always add new pictures whenever I post something. Should be interesting...
Here's one of my Bangais housing my long spine urchin
And here's my favorite fish just hanging out