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Old 02-23-2012, 02:59 PM
TaioneReefer TaioneReefer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 52
TaioneReefer is on a distinguished road
Default FS: galaxy and polyp etc

-yellow polyp colony (300+ polyps) with 200+ galaxy On a single premium FIJI live rock (10 inches long and 5 inches wide) for $150 OBO

- green Polyp colony (50+- polyp) for $60 Including fiji liverock that its on ( 5 inches diameter)

- Finger coral, 5 inches in diameter on a round liverock $35

Or take all for $200

Tearing tank down for renovation, so hoping to sell asap, let me know if price is too high, as I m fairly new to SW..
and everything is OBO, so.. shoot me a PM about the price or just leave a reply


Last edited by TaioneReefer; 03-26-2013 at 07:47 PM.
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