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Old 02-20-2012, 02:25 PM
Snufflupagus Snufflupagus is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 208
Snufflupagus is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
how old is the tank? much flow exactly do you have?.....I know you said lots, but how many GPH do you have inside the tank? many fish and what kind?......what do you feed and how often do you feed? said you used a percentage of old rock and some new rock.....was this new rock live rock or dry rock?.....when was the last time you changed your bulbs? you use RO water or tap water?.....does the tank receive any natural sunlight?
Hey, long time no chat or see, hope all is well. Tank is 10 months, basically 11 months now. Flow I have a pump pushing 1800gph and 2 tunze 6105's on the tank. Fish - (5) domino damsels, (2) black and white damsels, (4) yellow with black stripe damsels, (1) regal tang, (1) purple tang, (2) black and white perc. (1) true perc. (2) tomato clowns, (1) scooter blenny, (1) six lined wrasse (2) pj cardinals. Inverts - (1) long spike urchin, (1) rbta, hermit crabs, snails...not sure on the numbers of those anymore. 7-10 of each is a good bet.
I feed flake food once a day. Once or Twice a week I feed some frozen food to my anemone, and once or twice a week I give some seaweed to the Tangs.
The new rock was dry rock. I had it cycling in my tank for about 3-4 months before putting anything into the tank. I also understand that, this is probably where my problem is coming from. Well I just changed all the bulbs because I just changed to LEDs two days ago. Yes I use RO/DI water. Tank is in my basement and gets very little to no sunlight.
Tank parameters:
Salinity - 1.022
Temp - 79 at night, 80 during the day.
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
Phosphate -0

I think the algae is giving me a double negative on my tests and that's why my tests are coming out at 0.

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