LF:30-40G tank - had a bad dream!
I would like a 30-40G tank. Cheap as possible.
Last night I had a ****ty ass dream. I dreamt that I developed a crack in my display, at 6pm on a Saturday.
I called Big Als, as everyone else was closed, and the moron on the phone did not know when they closed. First they said 3pm... then realized it was six and said 6pm... then said they did not know.
I got mad and asked if she knew anything and explained the issue with a slight bit of agitation.
For some reason I was able to carry my loaded 70G display to my front lawn while I tried to figure stuff out.
While I was inspecting the tank... I noticed a LARGE eel and an 8" mantis were living in my tank!!! WWWHHHHAATTT? But for some reason they never showed themselves before, and I never had fish losses.
So I never did find a back up tank and once the dream woke me up, I spent the rest of the night worrying about it and trying to figure out a backup.
SOoooooo.... I am looking for a 30-40 Gallon tank. No bells. No whistles. Does not have to be in display shape, as it will be hidden away in the basement with a couple chunk of LR. It can be cube, bow front, whatever. I don't care.
I don't want to be caught empty handed!
Please PM me.