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Old 02-17-2012, 02:26 PM
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reefgirl189 reefgirl189 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Bonnyville, Alberta
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Default LF LPS/Paly/Zoa Frags + Fish Edmonton

Hello I am looking for a few frags in the Edmonton Area, in particular some LPS or a variety of Palys/Zoas. No SPS at this time unless they are a hardier species. I'm also looking for a couple interesting fish (reef safe only and no damsels). I'd love to find a nice colorful and healthy tang or two or perhaps another true perc clownfish for my single one. I have a 180 gal with nothing but the clownfish and a CUC so I am open to almost anything. I'm going to be in town this weekend so if you have anything please let me know.

Thanks for reading
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