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Old 02-17-2012, 05:23 AM
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Default New JBJ Drilled w/sump

This is my 24 gallon JbJ Nano Deluxe Build.
Heres a brief background,
Started a few years ago with SW, but with college in Winnipeg 14 hours away it was difficult. Now Im ready to start up again though.
I want to stick with a Nano because of price and ultimatly the convience of size. With my first baby just arriving space is hard to find... but I was determined to find something that worked. After debating the cpr fuge's available, I opted to drill the tank and get a sump. This increased my total water volume and gave me a place to store my mantis shrimp and equipment.
I also drilled 2 holes in the 1st and 3rd chamber divinding the Maindisplay and Maindisplays sump to add 2 pumps on a ocean pulse duo, then upgraded the lightin to 28g hqi lid. The bulb was garbage so I went with a phonix 14k and have never been more pleased!
Tank: JBJ Nano 24g deluxe
S-Stank (Garbage!! Do Not Buy!)
Lights: 28g jbj HQI with a pheonix 14000k (stock bulb was garbage)
Skimmer: Still juggling between my prizm and my tunze 9002
Sump: 10 aga, 3 chamber, filter sock, center fuge
Circulation: 750gph from sump, 350gph DIY spray bar along the center wall, 2x 265?gph on a ocean pulse duo timer.

1x Maroon Clown (worst buy ever, soo agressive)
2x Blue Chromis
1x Sixline Wrasse
Turbo snails
Hermit crabs

I Tried and Failed with my bonsai Aqauscape. But I learned alot, and next week gonna try again.

Pics coming Up in a few mins
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