Tank got wet today! Did a freshwater fill and leak test today. I had a small leak on the overflow bulkhead but once I got that tightened up I had no other issues or surprises 
With a little tuning, the Herbie overflow is exactly as promised..completely SILENT! All you can hear is the hum of the Eheim return pump!
Water is still very cloudy but here are a few shots(excuse the lights in the reflection)..
Still to do list:
-Drill holes in the return loc-line as a syphon break during a power outage
-Purchase and set up Neptune Apex Lite
-Receive JBJ Auto Top-Off system in the mail and set up
-Purchase and install some fans into the side of the stand
-Purchase Ecotech Vortech MP40es
-Purchase and set up Phosban 150s for GFO&Carbon
-Purchase lights (Vega or Sol...)
Last edited by wmcinnes; 02-17-2012 at 03:00 AM.