I think with velvet it is not really a matter of "if", but rather a matter of "when" it will happen. One could be lucky for years and years and as we saw recently, disaster strike.
These things can be prevented.
Now I wonder if a peroxyde dip and then putting the affected fish into a clean fresh tank with good cured liverock could have saved the velvet infested fish?
I got a really bad strike of discus plague after introducing some new discus to my stock (no quarantine!). They were all dying within about 10 hours later, so I did an extreme mesure and did a permanganate bath for 4 hours (strong oxydizer) and transfered all the fish into a clean tank. I did that each day and the fish all survived...did not lose a single one. At some point my prized show melon female was on its side floating on top of the water and I thought she was dead (not breathing). After the PP bath she revived and she spawned 6 weeks later.
Discus plague is a fast acting bacteria, and is can kill as fast as velvet, even faster.
I guess with velvet getting rid of the parasite fast (really fast) is a must.
I wish I could have a way to mesure precisely 50ppm of peroxyde. Anyone have an idea what concentration would need to be used with 3% peroxide to get 50ppm?
Also anyone ever tried permaganate potassium in saltwater?
Originally Posted by paddyob
Rarely and never should be separate.
I never use one. Been lucky I guess. Although my coral beauty developed ich shortly after adding her, but it never spread and she beat it.
Neon goby and cleaner shrimp. 