In all honesty, with having tanks with a sump and a canister filter running atm, the filtered tank is much quieter. As I said in my first post, I clean the canister every 2 weeks with a water change, have 0 nitrates and phosphates and my tank looks really good. I run carbon, ammonia and rowaphos in it all the time. Yes it does need to be primed when hooked back up, but that takes 10 seconds. I'm just starting with a sump system and can't speak to the maintenance yet but it takes me maybe 1/2 hour every two weeks to maintain and clean everything. I've had more issues with the skimmer than I've had with the canister. I had a HOB refugium going as well and that drove me crazy, due to the water level needed to maintain the skimmer, there was too much of a gap, so I had constant water running with bubbles. Its been off for over a month now and still no issues. As the tank has matured, I find its doing more on its own with a bit of assistance from me. Its not even running a skimmer now and the tank is actually cleaner. That said, there are only 6 small fish, so low bioload.