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Old 02-15-2012, 02:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
This probably won't sound right..., but I think it was good that Brad and a few other highly experienced reefers recently had this problem.
Honestly, I think it happens more often that people say. It's a bit embarrassing, you know, I've been doing this stuff a long time and damn, I know what I'm doing. I know a sick fish from a healthy fish, blah blah blah. And that worked for a lot of years. Ich schmich, not worried about a little ich, one little bit. But....velvet is a different story. Pretty much by the time you admit you might have a problem, your fish are dead.
Now, I'll still likely not use a Q tank, but I will collect all my must have fish at once, treat in the tank while it's up and that's that. I suppose if I come across a free Achilles one day, I might think about quarantining, and will keep a foam block in the sump just in case one day I need it. That alone would have saved most of my fish, IMO.
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