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Old 02-15-2012, 12:46 AM
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Hustler Hustler is offline
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Default FS: 380Lbs live rock with corals and coraline

I have over 400 lbs of live rock Im looking to sell..... Its all alive and well in my 300 gallon set up with fish.
Most of it has a decent amount of purple coraline and is fijji rock and show quality not base and no home made or macro in here.
I have one giant branch in there as well i picked up for $50 alone
Its been live for well over 5 years and doing amazing in my tank for the last 8 months with fish.
Im looking to sell it local and as a bulk lot... say $1300 as scales all read diffrent and some is base so 380 lbs show rock for sure.
Fish and monster beckett skimmer are for sale aswell and Ill deal if your taking the lot....
Theres no issues here its all running fine I just miss freshwater monsters and am going back to that. My SERIOUS LOSS your gain

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