Hi Mark, thanks for the tour. The house is going to be fantastic. When I got home my wife wanted to know about the house. The patios, views, breakfast bar, amazing ensuite, theater room etc... and all I could talk about was the huge fish room lined with plywood, the natural gas generator that will run the tank durning a power failure and how you will even have a sink hidden in a cabinet next to the display tank. All she could do was shake her head.
Very impressive and well thought out!
Originally Posted by Leah
Blah, blah...it is just the stuff that guys think is cool...waiting on seeing this tank full of pretty corals and fish...not boring plumbing pictures UGH! Come on Mark! You could throw up some kiddy photo's...much better in my opinion. 
Please keep including the "stuff for guys". Many of us have dreamed about building a house for their fish tanks. The pretty corals will grow for years and years but you will only build once. So please keep the updates coming!