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Old 02-14-2012, 05:20 PM
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fabbroc fabbroc is offline
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Question New Reef Ich Problem

I have recently started up my first reef tank, a 33 gallon tank with 25-30 pounds of live rock and I'm already having some issues.
I recently had a clownfish die (one of two) due to ick. At the time I didnt realize that it was in fact ick, and that ick in a reef tank is a very big problem. Now my other clown is infected along with my engineer goby. There is also two green chromis and a pink spotted goby who still look healthy. I was recommended Herbtana by microbe lift to treat my tank and I started treatment on the 13th. My tank now smells good and I am waiting on the results.
Hopfully this treatment works but I want some oppinions on the use of quarantine tanks.
-Do you quarantine new fish or corals?
-If you had an ich outbreak in your display what would you do?
-If not using a quarantine how would sick fish be dealt with and how would sickness controlled?

Hopefully I can get some insight into what others are doing with their tanks
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