Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 02-14-2012, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Things look nice and clean great work. Really love the army of heaters in the baffled area that's a great idea and use of space.

So weird looking through the bottom of the tank into the sump!
Thanks. I saw lots of good ideas on the web, but never saw verticle heaters. I don't want them to eventually leak. They'll never be dry and the accessory pump will keep them active during WC. You'll see when I'm done.
The heaters are;
1-3-5 200w on the Reefkeeper
2-4 250w on the Ranco
Can't wait to get water running.
And, ya, I know what you meant, but HELLO, there is no sump under the stand. It has helped with the plumbing not having styro blocking my view.
No bare bottom here either, so no worries about weird reflections.
I don't know what I'll do with the cabinet space, besides food and salt buckets. I have enough space under the 20QT for all the test gear and so on. Maybe I should set up a curing tank, or better yet, a FRAG tank. Oooooo, the wife will hate that little money pit
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