I finally got some time to start plumbing the tank to the sump. I started with the return line to make sure I wouldn't have to move the tank again and think I'll be happy with it. Of course I hate the 'over-the-back' look, but we don't see the pipes from our seated area.
So I moved on to the drains.
I feel for those of you that have to do ALL of your plumbing inside the cabinet. Man, getting the lines to leave the stand just right is a chore/pain on the ol' bod, nevermind all of you having to deal with a sump in the way and such.
I'm moving along well, taking my time to get everything just the way I want it, and I run out of 90s.
I was hoping to test the overflow bulkheads tonight, and the plumbing running tomorrow. NOT

And to add for all of us who deal with shipping stuff ...
I waited 4 weeks for new Vortech motor bearings. I e-mailed the supplier today and they are re-shipping. Not a set back, but just a typical reefer's shipping woes.