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Old 02-12-2012, 10:41 PM
braid11 braid11 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Whistler/North Shore BC
Posts: 31
braid11 is on a distinguished road

It took 1.5 mintues for the pump to drain 3.625" from my sump up to the DT. The sumps internal dimensions are 71*23.25 inches. So that is about 26 gallons in 1.5 minutes, or about 1040 GPH.

The problem is that on start up it almost overflowed before the drains properly kicked in. I had to turn the pump off briefly, 20 seconds, then plugged it in again. It is now running again.

I dialed in the main drain. It took many trips up and down the stairs. It is now dead quiet. Silent. No noise: wife is happier now

So it's running at about 1000GPH, dead quiet, and stays at the same level.

Now I need to re try a power on/off.

I would like to see the flow a little more, but I suppose it is enough as is.


Last edited by braid11; 02-12-2012 at 10:43 PM. Reason: error
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