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Old 02-12-2012, 01:54 AM
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asylumdown asylumdown is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
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Stopped in at Levi's place today to check out his mind blowing tank. I have to say, seeing those radions over top of a tank like that makes a world of difference. They are out of this world. A small part of me was worried the tank wouldn't look as good in real life as it does in pictures, but holy crap was I wrong. It looks even better.

My mind must have been playing tricks on me when I was in Edmonton, because the brightness, colour rendition, and basically everything I care about in tank lighting was spot- on perfect. Then the pre-built software...

Took all of 8 seconds in front of that living piece of art to make up my mind. Radions it is. My tank is 5 inches taller though, so I am considering adding an extra inch of sand, and i'll build the hanging rack so that I can buy two extra units if I think I need it.

Thanks so much for letting me come over Levi, you solved in 20 minutes a dilemma I've been losing sleep over for 3 months.
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