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Old 02-11-2012, 09:04 PM
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Reef Puffer Reef Puffer is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Salmon Arm
Posts: 186
Reef Puffer is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by HaZRaTTy View Post
Instead of blasting air through your Powerhead you could always point through the surface for some agitation which would give you some extra O2 action!!

The low oxygen would be direct cause from the algae using it for photosynthesis. I'm no biologist but it makes sense!

I sounds like your problems started when you moved the chaeto and did a WC. So why not try to go back to the old ways and If that doesn't work...........(which i'm quite certain it will) I give up!

You can also PM me if you need.
it started when i did the water change. puting the chaeto back could work eventually, but ill go for the black out and see if the problem returns. assuming the black out clears the water (which im sure it will).
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