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Old 02-10-2012, 10:36 PM
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whatcaneyedo whatcaneyedo is offline
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Does it really seem that bad? Tell me you're not like those people that I work with who hate doing laundry so much that they wear the same pair of clothes for a week at a time...

When I take off a sock I turn it inside out to shake out some of the creatures caught inside. When I have 4 dirty ones I do a small load with a cup of bleach. Once its finished I turn the socks right side out again and give them a second rinse. When thats done I throw them into a stack to dry. Since I have 8 socks in total I don't get around to using them again for about a week. A single feeding of my moray and lion takes more effort than the whole sock cleaning process.

If I were you I'd just buy a few extras so that you can let them dry out completely before using them again.
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