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Old 02-10-2012, 04:02 AM
phi delt reefer's Avatar
phi delt reefer phi delt reefer is offline
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phi delt reefer is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Does soaking them in bleach actually break down the stuff that is persistant enough to beat my hand-washing? I can't get my oldest sock white anymore... and it clogs much faster than the newer two.
it certainely does.

but i use mesh...not that crappy felt.

after i hand wash a sock, if i dont bleach it i get 3 days out of it before it overflows. If i bleach the sock after washing it i get 5 or 6 days before it starts to really fill then i just change it at that point.

you dont need a lot of bleach... i use a capful per litre and clean two socks at once.

i use 4 by 12 socks, not the 7 inch ones.
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