Thread: Nano's 35g Cube
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Old 02-10-2012, 03:42 AM
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Nano Nano is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Wetaskiwin Alberta
Posts: 2,330
Nano is on a distinguished road

Params are stable,
nitrates and trites both 0
ammonia 0
phos 0
ca 400
alk 9dkh
Salinity 1.0245
temp 77 currently trying to get it up to 78-79
not much has changed at this point, I cleaned my skimmer cup today and am amazed at what I pulled out of the water thus far. can't believe I didnt have one before. I am still waiting for the water to get a bit more polished, but I may have to add a sock for that. all my LR is in the sump, and I have made a cage for Chaeto to sit in once I get some. not seeing any pod growth yet, but it will happen lol. here is a pic of the tank today. and the water is a bit more clear. apparently there was a cleaner shrimp in the LR I bought cause this morning there was a rotted carcass in the tank lol. did a quick water change to get the ammonia back to 0
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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