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Old 02-09-2012, 09:01 PM
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reefgirl189 reefgirl189 is offline
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Location: Bonnyville, Alberta
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
It's alive!! Finally have pump and skimmer going. Needs a couple more hours to fill, but have enough water to move through the sump. Just need to fill the over flows a bit more, sounds like a bathtub Added a bit more salt. Cant wait to get the lights on it to see how it all looks, but so far i think its not too shabby!! Thanks for all the help so far! Will add shrimp later tonight to kick start cycle!
Congrats!! Can't wait to see the pics!!

As for the cycle, why don't you just pee in there instead? You may need to add more than one shrimp due to the size of that beast.
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