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Old 02-08-2012, 10:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Reefer Rob View Post
Is everything not under that light OK? If so the damage is done. All you can do is some water changes to export the extra nutrients, and I would leave that light off for a couple of days, then slowly bring the photo period back up. Hopefully you can save some of the flesh that was in deep shade. This is assuming the inner bulb is intact.
Nope, all SPS have bleached, LPS and zoas long the bottom are closed up. No difference between the left and right of the tank.

This morning I turned off the timer for both MH's, so right now only actinics will turn on. I think i'll get a XM bulb replacement for now...

Here's a pic of the MH bulb:

The inner bulb is in tact. I still couldnt see where the glass went in the tank.
Tank was up for 7yrs and 10months. Thanks Everyone!

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