No shield separating the bulbs with the tank

Single ended moguls. In 6 yrs I've never had a MH bulb blow. My bulbs have had salt creep and splashes on them. I'd just wipe them down once in a while at night with a wet paper towel.
Is the mercury rolling around in the 'big' glass part, or in the little glass bulb thing in the middle of the MH bulb? I have to check if that little one burst...
A few SPS were totally bleached white. But a bunch were white, but the polyps appear to still be there and just retracted... I took out a few, ran them under a splash of tap water, and put them in the frag tank for now.
Yeah I was just in a meeting at work, and all I could think about was the tank :S I'm definitely thinking about getting double ended pendants now, so that there is the glass shield. Sunlight Supply Lumenmax 3 for $130/each, then maybe some phoenix 250W DE bulbs at $66/ea at JL... But sorta hard to think of dropping money on an 'upgrade' right now...
Damnit, tank was starting to look pretty good again too, everything colouring up. Thanks Kevin, I'll hit you up later when this crash blows over...