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Old 02-27-2004, 05:22 PM
Dabbler Dabbler is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 133
Dabbler is on a distinguished road

I would go for Physics so you will get the attack bonuswhile others are trying to get the free planets you could go for ther home base or try and talk to the guys in your system and for a NAt Non attack treaty and build. I am lucky I am with 2 other guys from our aliance so we just have to get one out of our system. There isn't anyone of our guys in your area so I can't help you out there( not even close) It also depends on if you took any bounes when you created your race There is no right answer
1-135 gal Freshwater planted tank
1-120 gal Reef **For Sale**
It's just my opinon, I have lots of them.
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