I have a 314 gallon 7 foot tank with the following fish:
Powder Brown
Yellow Tang
Blue Hippo Tang
Blue Throat Trigger
Black Clowns
False Perc Clowns
Domino Damsels
3 stripe Damsel
Azure Damsels
Sand Sifting Goby
Coral Beauty
Lamarck Angel
I used to have a Lavender Tang and Niger Trigger.
The only tangs that use up the entire swimming area in my tank are the Powder Brown and Lavender Tang. The Black clowns do laps of the entire tank.
The Hippo Tang really stays put in one spot. The others drift here and there but don't really use a lot of swimming area.
The Foxface and Trigger do a lot of vertical laps from the sandbed to the surface.
If I still had my smaller 4 foot tank my yellow tang and hippo would have been fine in it.