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Old 02-08-2012, 05:38 PM
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lockrookie lockrookie is offline
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we put ppl in 4x 8 cells lol no one batts an eye. these rules ideas and thoughts are great it does help ppl think before they act but it depends on the caregiver as well first off your not going to try and put a shark in a small tank just wont happen. nor should anyone put a regal in a 40g tank you know its going to outgrow it... im guilty of putting my regal in my 90. although i did plan to upgrade. and since my wife loves this fish it was a great incentive

as i say i do appreciate the concern for these fish. if you feel the space is inadequate then it most likely is. and just planning to upgrade isnt an excuse unless you have the means to do so. i made a mistake and put a yellow in my 50 to help with algea and he did a great job. the plan was to move him to the 180 when built but. the space was just to small even though he was a juv and regretfully he didnt make it. its not like we can take our fish fr a walk to stretch thier fins lol. all that said a 75 is ok maybe for awhile but id aim for 120 ish for a yellow personally.follow your own concience

just how i feel and i never claim to be right forever learning...usualy from mistakes
Desperately seeking serenity ...
180g custom build

50g custom daycare tank...
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