Originally Posted by Beverly
My suggestions to win the battle:
-weekly or twice-weekly water changes of 30%
-baste your rock and sandbed (baste hard into the sandbed) to get detritus into the water column where your skimmer, HOB filter with foams, and/or canister filter can remove the detritus and ALWAYS throughly clean the HOB and canister filters after basting. Basting can be done three times a day for a week for the best results. Your tank will look like a horrible snowstorm after a good basting, especially at the beginning, but it will not hurt your corals.
Detritus Export Video
After you get the situation under control, do weekly maintenance.
would not recommend basting a sand bed to the point of a snowstorm if you have a deep sandbed that never gets vacummed as youll be releasing nasty pollutants into your water that could have a negative effect on fish and corals.fine if you have a shallow bed or reguarily stir and vacumm your sand but if youve never touched your sand bed in a year and a half then i wouldnt start to disturb it now unless your removing it all together for rinsing.if you must disturb it do it in small amounts or add a sand sifting goby.
cyano is most always nutrients and if your not watching what goes into your tank then it can easily appear and re appear.rinse frozen food well and blotch out the juices its acked with phosphates.
your tank is small and a low bio load if you add more flow to the affected areas and watch what goes into your tank you should be able to clear it u in no time, remove what you can with a turkey baster and keep up with water changes.
it will dissappear once its food source is cut off comletely......over night fixes and chemicals are useless if you dont find the cause i can almost guarantee it will return if you dont change what the cause is.
cyano could be caused by something as small as spawning or something as large as off the chart nutrients and everything in between.....it feeds off pollution