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Old 02-08-2012, 10:31 AM
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naesco naesco is offline
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The answer quite honestly is none.
The reason is tangs are swimmers and require the larger longer six foot tanks that provide them with the room to do what they do best, swim. You can observe them constantly swimming to and fro in the larger tanks.

It is never a good idea t buy a tang with the idea that you will upgrade to meet its needs later. Unforeseen things like losing a job, a divorce or separation and a change of housing can doom your tang in a tiny tank despite your best intentions.

Esquire, live aquaria is an online fish seller. Their opinion on size is coloured by the fact that they are in the fish selling business and naturally want to sell as many as they can.

Apex, that may be theory but the rule is a stunted fish is a stressed fish. We as reefers have an obligation to provide the optimum conditions for all critters we remove from the sea.

Thanks for asking, before you buy.
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