Originally Posted by Aquattro
I think half the bad was caused by the treatment tank having no mature filter 
So sorry for your losses. I did the same thing a few months ago, set up an emerg qt, moved all my fish and treated with copper. No cycle, no cycled filter. Within hours I lost my clowns and slowly lost all but my chromis and cardinal, in total 6 fish. After 6 weeks the chromis developed lympho, at that point I decided enough. I couldn't get the ammonia to 0 even though I was changing the water everyday, cleaning the filters, vacuuming uneaten food and poop. I moved the fish back to the dt, the chromis dies within a week, still have the cardinal. I've only dealt with ich, nothing as serious as what you are dealing with, but I said I'd never qt another fish as it seemed what I was doing ended up being just cruel. I'll be switching tanks soon and hoping to keep my smaller tank running as a qt but have not yet decided.
I don't have any advise to offer you, I hope this all gets sorted out and you don't lose everything.