As I mentioned in my other thread, I lost the queen angel last night. This morning the hippo, xmas wrasse and mandarin are gone. Naso won't likely make it by the time I get the meds needed. The clown looks like it's next. I haven't seen the leopard wrasse, but it looked reasonable last night. A yellow tang seems to be holding up.
I still have a couple of fish in the display, not sure what to do about them, although they seem unaffected.
Lessons learned:
Do not buy impulse fish. I didn't even want the one that caused this, it was the wrong fish.
You cannot successfully setup a new treatment tank to deal with this after the fact, unless you're willing and able to do a 100% water change every day for 4 or 4 weeks. I caused more harm with NH3 than the disease did.
I still cannot have a q tank setup full time for those occasions where you think you want a fish. I will be building a fish list once I can add back to the display, and buy all at the same time and treat in quarantine before adding to the main tank. Once that's done, no additional fish will be added. That's the theory anyway.
Have medication on hand BEFORE you run into this type of scenario. I'll be picking up chloroquine this morning.
Maintaining a spare filter hanging off the main tank isn't practical, as it would require effort to not build up NO3 in the tank.
I suspect that before this week is over, I'll have 2 chromis left....