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Old 02-07-2012, 05:01 AM
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Picked up a Hanna calcium checker on the weekend. According to it ... 546.

Uh, wow.

Turned off the Ca dosing for now and will retest tomorrow. There's a slight chance I botched the test in a way to bump it to a higher reading but it won't be by a huge amount. Unlike the Alk and PO4 testers you only use 0.1ml of tank water diluted in 10ml of DI water, and 0.1ml is a very miniscule amount and I think I might have overshot the mark by a droplet or thereabouts. (I didn't use the cone dispenser that came with it. The Alk checker came with one as well but I never use that because it doesn't actually have a hole in the end of it on that one).

Question for anyone who uses these Hanna checkers for Calcium, there's a rubberized cone end and a plastic cone end. I assume one is for the reagent syringe and the other for the sample syringe .. but which one is which?
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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