Here's what I got:
"New and Noteworthy" - Something new in your reef you feel like sharing but picture must be new (not previously posted on this forum).
"Pairs or Mates" - some kind of pair or mate from the typical stuff to the very weird, extra points for weird
"Pests" - Any kind of pest from algae to that nasty crab, Aiptasia also comes to mind.
"Crazy Colors" - Something with lots of color and lots of it... More colors the better.
"Make Your Own Theme" - Pic a theme, take a pic to capture it and share both the theme and pic. Extra points for creativity.
"Tentacles" - easy enough...
"The Forbidden" - pictures of what some might say "best kept in the ocean". Doesn't mean you actually have to keep such things but you might have a pic of something.
"Inspiration" - Something that shows what inspires/motivates you to keep a saltwater tank.
"Frags" - post pic of frag...
"Photoshop" - have some fun creating something unique with Photoshop or other editing program.
"Series" - Post 3 pictures that go together, could be like a montage or collage.
"Avatar" - take or make a pic that would make a good avatar.
"Camera Phone" - Picture using a camera phone, everyone has a camera phone right? Edit - beat to the punch on this one.
I'll post some more later as they come to me but feel she to shut me up whenever