Finally went out and got some pumbing and started to piece it together! Unfortunately all the LFS seemed to have an abundance of ball valves but no gate valves. I had to order the gate valves online so until they come there is not a whole lot I can do..
Waiting on a few things to arrive:
~80lbs of MarcoRocks from Eli @ CaCo3Reef!
2 x 300W Eheim Jager heaters
RO/DI float valve
3 x 1" Gate Valves
Also the QT tank is still cycling and I am starting to see the nitrite spike so it should be somewhat close to finishing.. Can't wait to be able to get some fish in there. Im hoping for a Sailfin Tang Desjardini and a pair of False Percula Clowns to start!

Last edited by wmcinnes; 02-11-2012 at 10:33 AM.