I bumped up the # minutes on the Ca dosing and the Salifert read a tiny bit higher last night. It had been a long day so I didn't do an Elos reading. I have a bad feeling the lower number might be the correct value just cuz the implications are worse and since when does Murphy's Law cut any slack..
Testing my makeup water would have been a good idea.

Duh. Oh well, partly though I did not just on account both tests are close to being finished (well the Salifert did its last test last night .. I didn't even get a full 1ml out of the titration reagent .. )
Originally Posted by lastlight
I make a point of checking expiry before purchase Tony. I've found expired elos kits in several lfs and started checking after purchasing two expired kits once.
Well, I just find it odd that I almost always find the SKU sticker, covers the expiry date. To me it feels a little bit rude to sit there at the store and peel that back before buying it, but I'm going to make a point of principle that I'm no longer buying Elos UNLESS I can see at the store that it's NOT expired. I think this is the 3rd time this has happened to me. Man was I annoyed with myself this week when I made that discovery that it was almost a year past that date. I've been too trusting I guess.
Unless Elos is printing the date the batch was made .. and not the expiry date itself .. but that would be unusual would it not?