OK, OK, pics
Last weekend I managed to get 2 circuits for the tank and sump run, and a third for the office AC. The tank outlet is not visible as it is on the other side of the wall, but you can just make out the back of the stand.
What you see here is the 20A for the AC and my guitar amp on the left, and on the right is one of the 2 15A circuits I ran. This one is split between a regular and surge outlet. The surge is for things such as the RKL and ATO. The other duplex is for simpler things like the pumps and some ( lots ) of GFCIs. I am only surge protecting the solid state stuff.
Next is a shot of what the base rock might end up looking like.
And this last shot is of my puny Live Rock purchase. Do you see the stars and crab? Ya, I thought you could