Tank Transfer
I am sure this has been discuss numerous times alreay. but, I figure that I should just ask anyway.
I am upgrading from 75 + 33 sump SPS reef tank to 210 + 75 sump. So it's a major upgrade.
Now my plan is.
1. mix the salt water in the 210.
2. put in thin layer of new sand
3. build and dowel 80lbs of new rock
4. test water parameter
5. drain 80gal of water from the new tank
6. move some sand from existing 75 gal tank.
7. transfer rocks from the 75 gal
8. put in more new sand.
9. move all the live stock over.
10. fill up the 210 with water from the existing 75 gal tank.
pleas let me know if I am getting all my step right.
150DD mix reef with 90 gal sump and 40gal frag tank
purple tang, sohal tang, yellow eye kole tang, fairy wrasse. cleaner wrasse, leopard wrasse, and misc fish.
GHL Mitras 6200HV X 2, MP40 X 2, MP60 X 1, tunze 6095 X 2, Vertex RX6 calcium reactor, Bubble King SM250, Aquamaxx bio pellets reactor, Profilux 3