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Old 02-02-2012, 04:25 AM
janalta janalta is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Kelowna
Posts: 60
janalta is on a distinguished road

Hi Leanne,

I feel your pain...I ended up in the hospital for a month and my poor tank suffered for it - take Brent up on his offer !!!!!!
He's really a great help and knows pretty much everything you'll need to know about marine set ups.

We actually have to move my 55 gal this weekend...crossing everything I can cross that I don't lose anything else.
Brent is helping me out....and has given me tons of suggestions and ideas to get everything ready.

Curious about your move..... Did you leave the sand in the tank or put it in buckets then add it back again? I'm a complete newbie with SW ( 8 months in )...but do know that disturbing the sand bed can release some nasty toxins.

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