Originally Posted by lockrookie
personally for the tiny bit of cost go styrofoam.. the tank i picked up had the plastic trim and they didn't use styrofoam one part of thier basement shifted while the other stayed inplace droping a corner thus the cracked payne i have to replace before i can truly start building. in my opinion over kill is better than a cracked tank.
Yes styrofoam is cheap but some say it does more harm than good and some say its a must! My tank is a flat bottom with trim around the bottom and the bottom pane is flush with the side panes. The stand is the AGA pine stand with the open top where the tank sits on top around the perimeter only. No middle supports whatsoever. Styrofoam still you think?
p.s. If you are replacing your bottom pane I would go thicker than your side panes. Also maybe check into getting it tempered because as ridiculous as this sounds some tempered glass was cheaper to buy than regular glass when I was checking around for my overflow glass.