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Old 02-01-2012, 09:31 AM
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wmcinnes wmcinnes is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 338
wmcinnes is on a distinguished road

Got a bit done this weekend! Finished up the stand and got it all set up in the house. The stand is quite tall and with the 24" high tank the whole thing is just over 5ft tall! Also installed the baffles into my sump (they're not pretty but do the job) and things are finally starting to take shape!

Also picked up a 25G Long that I will use as a QT tank, it is currently filled and cycling so I can pick up a few fish to observe and quarantine while I am working on the display tank.

Next step should be getting the plumbing together so I can get some water in the tank! I am planning to plumb the overflows using the Herbie method as I have heard this is a silent and safe overflow.

I am still unsure how to attach the return plumbing to the return pump. Do I hard plumb it like I am going to do with the over flows or can i do a combination of flex tube and pvc? And what size should the return piping be? Same as the main overflow? If anyone can help me out thatd be great!

Hopefully I can trim off some of the extra silicone and make it look a little nicer. Another day.

Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef

Last edited by wmcinnes; 02-11-2012 at 10:28 AM.
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