Thread: Equipment
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Old 01-31-2012, 01:22 AM
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Default Equipment

Just trying to clear out the rest of the stuff I have laying around...

-33G long aquarium 48"x12"x13"tall drilled for 1" bulkhead and 3/4" bulkhead, both in top left corner. Does not have actual overflow box or bulkheads, tank only $50

-Sump, 24"x14"x16"tall, one section is 12" long, one is 8" long and divided by three baffles (all DIY) $25

-20" Current USA sunpod 150 watt MH
This but it was painted white, was a lot of work as the shell had to be removed for the unit to be sprayed. Looks great.

2 of the LED moonlights do not work and I do not know why.

Comes with two Phoenix 14K bulbs, one is used less than a month, one is used about 6 months. One ebay 14K bulb, never used.

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