Potassium chloride came in the mail today, time to start swinging my potassium back into line. Only faith i have in the kz potassium test is....
fresh RC water... tests low end of the scale <250 or so)
tank water tests low end of the scale <250 or so>
tank water with one quarter teaspoon of KCL tests... off the chart
heh so I guess dose the tank a teaspoon or 2 a day until it stops looking potassium deficient.
on a booo hooo note.. my darth mauls decided to up and melt on friday... they came from that first haul of blue words new supplier, looked good and were multiplying till a couple weeks ago, then closed up while i was picking algae off the plug. stayed closed till last week when i moved them to a lower light area then they shrank off the face of the planet. oh well ill f ind more someday