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Old 01-30-2012, 03:37 AM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Ya, both of them are having a great ol time, whole tank to themselves. Just rigging the trap now.
I'm using something called uni marin. Not sure what's in it.

Thanks again, sure appreciate the help!

Aquarium Munster UniMarin 30 ml

Unimarin is a universal treatment against the numerous infections of marine ornamental fish like protozoa (e. g. Cryptobia, Cryptocarion), bacteria (e. g. Flexibacter) and fungus (e. g. Saprolegnia). Particularly where a specific diagnosis is not certain, unimarin has been proven to be reliably effective against most infections exhibiting the following symptoms: Whitish to yellowish mucous-like coatings, cotton-wool like tufts, sores, wounds, inflammations, blood spots, skin and scale loss, ruffled scales, fin rot, mucous menmrane discoloration, white mouth, careening movements, protruding eyes (exophthalmus), swollen abdomen.

Method of advimistration:

for each 100/ of aquarium water administer

Day 1: 30 drops of Uni Marin

Day 2: 15 drops of Uni Marin

Day 3: 30 drops of Uni Marin

Caution: Invertebrated do not tolerate Uni Marin. Corals and anemones must be excluded fro treatment.

Wonder what's in it?
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