I have been going pretty generous with Paraguard and never had a problem with it. Once I dosed one full cap over by mistake in a 20 gallons (3 caps instead of 2) without any bad effect. Paraguard totaly decompose in the water after 24 hours unlike copper or cupramine which remain active and in the water forever.
I never had to treat velvet but I am treating 2 clownfish now with Paraguard for Brooklynella. They have been in quarantine for a month with 3 weeks of Paraguard and I will keep the treatment another week or so. The fish stopped scratching after a few days in Paraguard. I started treatment as soon as I saw the clownfish scratching on everything. Glad they were in quarantine so treatment was quick and easy.
Now that I read you guys having parasites show up after months..I will keep the clown in quarantine in observation at least another 4 weeks after treatment. I really don't want this stuff in my main tank so if it takes 4 months so be it.
Originally Posted by vaporize
Paraguard is like formalin, it can burn off some velvet on the skin but will not cure it. Becareful with paraguard though, it can be overdose without knowing and it cannot be tested. Usually by the time you see velvet on the fish's body, it's already terminal stage and very hard to cure (even with cupramine).