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Old 01-30-2012, 02:11 AM
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Coralgurl Coralgurl is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Greg, this is truly tragic! Your fish were awesome, what a loss as I know you've had some of them a long time.

Originally Posted by Snappy View Post
Brad I feel your pain. I am also going through velvet & cloudy eye in my tank. I added 2 fish that I bought on boxing day (haven't seen either of them since) and within a few days my fish started getting sick and in the past month I have lost at least 50 fish and counting.
My death list off the top of my head so far:
clowns x4
pencil wrasse
yellow coris wrasse
leopard wrasse x 2
6 line wrasse x 2
chromis x 12
asfer angel
majestic angel
powder blue tang
chevron tang
regal tang
royal gramma x 2
mandarins x 2
bicolor blenny
naso tang
sailfin tang
pyramid butterflies x 2
+ a bunch more I can't think of right now. I had over 80 fish in my system and now I don't.
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