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Old 01-29-2012, 11:02 PM
Posts: n/a

I thought i'd give this site a try again. I agree with what a lot of people say about AP, but i found the exact same treatment here. When i first joined this forum a while ago i tried to speak in a post or two and because i had knowledge of leds i made a recommendation, right away i was accused of just promoting that company and my opinion didnt have value. Turns out the company i was recommending being orphek turned out to be one of the best.

Second i was scolded and had my posts deleted for recommending a place to get corals from because a few people here had a bad experience with this guy. Yet i know tons of people who purchase from him regularly and its amazing.

I'd like to give this site a try again meet some fellow Ontario/Gta reefers.

*I will admit i find myself guilty of questioning people when they say they have a tang in a 65gallon though,
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