Damn Bradd, i am so sorry to hear that! I know exactly how you feel right now' just went through the same thing, hardest thing was watching my 7 years old yellow tang go and the 300 dollars Achilles. Funny i also added the last fish few month back and the only reason I think what made mv act up was stress which was brought on by WWIII between the tangs. Anyways it wiped out the whole tank except for my mystery and cleaner wrasse.
If you need containers to drain your tank, I have a 150 gallons rubber maid you can borrow if you wanna come over to the mainland or you can go get those 44 gallons tuff containers from hd. If you use them to only hold water and nothing else there is a good chance you can clean them up afterwards and return it. I have done it once out of desperation. 50 buck per 44 gallons container isn't exactly cheap. Do you have uv by chance. I would run that in the tank and a filter sock to kill off the rest of it in the tank. How many residents you got in your tank right now? I think you need to weight out the which is more important, the fish or the coral. I wouldnt risk losing any of your sps colonies if you only have a few fish in the tank as cruel as it sounds.
Anyways Bradd, I wish best of luck! If I can do anything for please do not hesitate to ask.