So today I picked up everything I was getting built, and had ordered, Thanks Martin for the AI, and stand up friendly service!
Spent the better part of the day hanging out with Greg, and Martin as well, as we tackled the tank build.
I will post photos below!
First off, you can see I have joined the sump club! Thanks for the know how and the help on this Greg!

Here is a FTS of my hand built oak stand, came out nicely!

And The Cream of the crop!
I designed an AI mount, and Greg helped me make it a reality, thanks to him as always for all the support
All that is left at this point Is to make my stand pipes, and plumbing, as well as find a 400-800gph return pump, and I'm ready to rock.
I will post some better pics in a bit, companies here so I can only be absent for so long